Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Welcome to Mr. McLaughlin's Classes Blog

Welcome to this blog created for students who take classes with Mr. McLaughlin. I hope that this is going to be a great way to share photos, calendars, student testimonials, archived work, models, "hands-on" work done in conservatory based classes, homework in academic based classes, etc. This is also a great tool to share class information with students who miss class or do not have vital class information.

Please keep in mind that this is intended to be a site primarily to archive our work, assist students who have been ill and to serve students in cases or real emergency. This site is not intended to shift responsibility from you to the teacher when it comes to take class notes, write assignments down, etc.

We've used this for a few years and it's proven to be an effective a tool for learning and promoting excellence in student achievement. I hope this is easy to manage and useful. Welcome to class. Students who wish to receive some extra credit should post their name and period of their class in the comment section of this blog post.

Simply go down to the hyper-link at the bottom of this post that says comments, click on it, type in your full name and class period and leave the comment for moderation.

We hope you know that we are interested in your success at Lewis Central.  We want you to become better speakers, writers, readers and people.  If you're nervous, you're normal.  All we ask is that you enter with an open mind and try your best.

Thanks for visiting. We hope you come back often.



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Thank you for sharing a comment. Please make sure that your language and your screen name are class appropriate. We will be forced to "block" those who ignore this from using this valuable resource.