1.1 ALOOF (uh LOOF) distant, reserved in manner; uninvolved
Memory Link: Snowball, the cat, was so ALOOF when guests came she hid on the ROOF.
Most everyone thought Theodore ALOOF when actually he was only very shy.
Nothing ruins a fine dinner at a good restaurant like an ALOOF waiter who makes the entire experience uncomfortable.
At the wedding reception, the bride's relatives were very ALOOF, hardly speaking to the groom's guests and family.
1.2 AUSTERE (aw STEER) stern, as in manner; without excess, unadorned, severly simple and plain
Memory Link: An AUSTERE STEER is no fun at a party.
Jill's father was AUSTERE, rarely smiled and was always stern with her about having dates with boys he didn't know.
The AUSTERITY of life in the village was understandable. Many were jobless and evidence of poverty was everywhere.
Her home was AUSTERELY decorated, very plain furniture without frills and only items that were necessary.
1.3 BULWARK (BULL wurk) a defensive wall; something serving as a principle defense.
Memory Link: BULLS WORK building a BULWARK.
Quebec City is the only city in North America with a BULWARK built entirely around it.
The budget for national defense is an economic burden for all taxpayers, but we must never forget our armed services are the BULLWARK of defense for the nation.
Our mother was a BULWARK against bad times; no matter how bad things became, she always wore a smile and had a cheerful word.
1.4 CACOPHONY (kuh KAFH uh uee) harsh sounds
A CACOPHONY isn't noise alone, it is disturbing noise such as when people shout all at once.
Gene thinks all rock music is a CACOPHONY to be avoided whenever possible.
An unpleasant CACOPHONY of sound was produced as the orchestra tuned their instruments. But once they began to play together the sounds become euphonious.
1.5 CEREBRAL (suh REE brul) of or relating to the brain; an intellectual person
Memory Link: Eat your CEREAL so you'll grow up and be CEREBRAL like your father.
CEREBRAL for a football player, the wily Kansas quarterback rarely called a play that wasn't well planned and thought out.
Dr.Clark was too CEREBRAL to be a boy scout leader. Instead of saying "pitch your tents over by the cliff," he would confuse everyone with his big words and say, "construct the canvas shelters in the proximity of the promontory.
1.6 CONNOISSEUR (kahn uh sur) an expert, particularly in matters of art and taste.
Memory Link: The KING OF the SEWER is a CONNOISSEUR of garbage.
My uncle is a CONNOISSEUR of fine wines.
Art dealer, Jorge Guizar, is a CONNOISSEUR of Mexican art of the 19th century.
When it came to coins, Jerry proclaimed he was a CONNOISSEUR, because he had collected them all his life.
1.7 FORBEAR (for BAYR) to refrain from; to abstain; to be patient or tolerant
Memory Link: Please FORBEAER feeding the FOR BEARS.
To FORBEAR your opinion on any controversia matter until yyou have first heard all the facts is generally the wisest course of action.
Jonathan said his motto was to never FORBEAR a good party for another time when you can have one today.
Henry FORBORE his decision to close the store, deciding to wait until after the Christmas season.
1.8 INCONGRUOUS (in KAHN grew us) not appropriate, unsuited to the surroundings; not fitting in
Memory Link: The new Alaskkan senator's presence IN CONGRESS was INCONGRUOUS.
Ed appeared INCONGRUOUS wearing his tuxedo on an old-fashioned hayride.
The INCONGRUITY with Joseph's chosen career was that he had a Ph.D. in chemistry, but preferred to work as a mullet fisherman.
INCONGRUOUSLY, Dianne spent several days a week at the library, even though she professed that she didn't like to read.
1.9 LAMENT (la MINT) to express sorrow or regret; to mourn
Memory Link: We LAMENT that Joe got buried in CEMENT.
The song, "Cowboy's LAMENT," is a ballad about the lonely life of those who drive cattle for a living.
The nation LAMENTS the passing of the President while at the same time celebrating his achievements while in office.
It is LAMENTABLE that Rosecoe quit college in his sophomore year; his professors considered him the brightest engineering student in his class.
1.10 LANGUISH (LANG gwish) to become weak or feeble; sag with loss of strength
Memory Link: A FISH on LAND will quickly LANGUISH.
An outdoorsman all his life, Mr. Franklin quickly LANGUISHED in his job as a night watchman.
It was so hot in the theater, Charlotte soon began to LANGUISH.
(To LANGUISH is to be LANGUID.) The fish in the aquarium hardly stirred, moving LANGUIDLY when they moved at all.
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