Saturday, January 14, 2012


To Kill a Mockingbird: Vocabulary with Definitions

Chapters 1-2

1. apothecary—one who prepares and sells medicines
2. assuaged—made less severe or burdensome
3. indigenous—occurring or living naturally in an area
4. malevolent—having or exhibiting hatred
5. mortification—a feeling of shame or humiliation
6. piety—religious devotion and reverence to God
7. sojourn—a brief, temporary stay
8. unsullied—spotlessly clean and fresh
9. vexations—irritations or annoyances
10. wallowing—heavily indulging in; rolling in
Chapters 3-4

1. abominable—detestable; unpleasant
2. amiable—pleasant; good-natured
3. auspicious—presenting favorable circumstances
4. contentious—tending to fight; quarrelsome
5. dispensation—a special allowance; privilege
6. expansively—with a willingness to talk, share
7. fractious—inclined to make trouble; unruly
8. persevere—to persist in a purpose, idea, or task
9. tranquility—state of calm, peacefulness, serenity
10. tyranny—a government in which a single person assumes absolute control

Chapters 5-6

1. aloof—distant; unfeeling
2. benevolence—inclination to perform charitable acts
3. benign—compassionate; incapable of causing harm
4. bewilderment—condition of being confused
5. cherub—a winged, chubby angel
6. ensuing—following immediately afterward
7. morbid—gruesome, gloomy, or dark
8. obliged—under force of necessity; obligated
9. prowess—superior skill or ability; strength or courage
10. tacit—unspoken; understood without being expressed

Chapters 7-8
1. aberrations—deviations from the proper course
2. accosted—approached in a harsh manner; assaulted
3. ascertaining—discovering with certainty; determining
4. cleaved—adhered to closely; clung to
5. embalming—treating with preservatives to prevent decay
6. feeble—physically weak from age or sickness; frail
7. meditative—given to contemplation or deep thought
8. unfathomable—difficult or impossible to understand
9. vigil—wakefulness maintained in reverence to another person, usually after one’s death
10. whittle—to carve or shape

Chapters 9-11

1. analogous—possessing connections, similarities
2. antagonized—created an enemy or an antagonist
3. articulate—to speak clearly and in distinct syllables
4. contemporaries—those who exist/live at the same time
5. evasion—an act of escaping or avoiding
6. inconspicuous—not noticeable or prominent
7. ingenious—characterized by cleverness or originality
8. nauseating—causing nausea or upset stomach
9. mausoleum—a magnificent, decorated tomb
10. provocation—causing aggravation or annoyance

Chapters 12-13

1. acquired—obtained possession of something
2. altercation—an angry dispute; quarrel
3. compensation—something given to make up for something else
4. contemptuously—showing contempt; scornfully
5. ecclesiastical—having to do with the church or the clergy
6. formidable—hard to overcome or deal with
7. inconsistent—not consistent; not in agreement
8. permanence—being permanent; lasting
9. prerogative—a right or privilege
10. qualms—sudden, disturbing feelings of uneasiness

Chapters 14-15

1. edification—intellectual, spiritual, or moral improvement
2. inaudible—not audible; cannot be heard
3. indulged—gave in to one’s pleasures; had what one wanted
4. obscure—not clearly expressed; hard to understand
5. peculiarities—strange or unusual qualities
6. penitentiary—a prison for criminals
7. perish—to be destroyed; die
8. placid—pleasantly calm or peaceful; quiet
9. quarrel—an angry dispute or disagreement
10. resignation—the act of resigning, withdrawing

Chapters 16-17

1. acrimonious—bitter, stinging, or caustic in nature or speech
2. corroborating—making more certain; double-checking; conspiring
3. countenance—appearance; face
4. frank—direct and unreserved in speech
5. grudge—a feeling of resentment or ill-will
6. gullet—the esophagus; throat
7. lurched—staggered; stumbled
8. profane—hold contempt for, usually towards God or sacred principles
9. scrutiny—a thorough searching; a close examination or inquiry
10. subpoena—a summons for witnesses or evidence before a court

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