Friday, August 24, 2018

6 Trait Writing: Great Writing is Intentitional, It's No Accident

There is absolutely no better way to understand the 6+1 Trait® Scoring analytical model than to use it yourself. Whether you are a teacher or a student, this instructional tool will help you better understand each of the six traits of writing.

You will first have to select which area of writing you want to focus on. Select from the list below to further study an individual trait.


The Ideas are the heart of the message, the content of the piece, the main theme, together with all the details that enrich and develop that theme. The ideas are strong when the message is clear, not garbled. The writer chooses details that are interesting, important, and informative–often the kinds of details the reader would not normally anticipate or predict. Successful writers do not tell readers things they already know; e.g., "It was a sunny day, and the sky was blue, the clouds were fluffy white …" They notice what others overlook, seek out the extraordinary, the unusual, the bits and pieces of life that others might not see.

Click here to learn more about IDEAS, the heart of the message, the interior decoration of writing

The Essential Question in English 10A & the "Pieces of Me" Pre-Test

10A Important words within the ESSENTIAL QUESTION FOR THIS COURSE

Enduring Understandings

(1) Themes in literature are universal and endure through time and across cultures.

(2) Reading and writing are life-long skills.

(3) Traditions, customs, relationships and life’s experiences play a major role in shaping and changing our character, integrity and self-identity.

Over-Arching Essential Questions

(1) What themes are universal in literature and why do specific themes endure across time?

(2) What makes reading and writing life-long essential skills?

(3) How do traditions, customs, relationships and life’s experiences play a major role in shaping and changing our character, integrity and self-identity.

es•sen•tial [i sénshəl] ADJECTIVE

1. necessary: of the highest importance for achieving something  "It's essential that we arrive on time."  "an essential ingredient"; 2. basic: being the most basic element or feature of something or somebody  "reinforcing the essential organizational framework" ; 3. defining: constituting the property or characteristic of something that makes it what it is

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Extra Credit Opportunity--Leave a Comment Here

Congratulations for showing the initiative to earn some extra credit in your IWCC Public Speaking, English 10A or Speech I class. That's the way to start!

You need to go down to the pencil icon on the bottom of this post. Click on it and leave a comment after you take a look at the blog. Let us know what you think about it.

Please make sure that you leave your full name and the class period that you are in. I am excited to have you in class. Just already have an "A+". Way to go.