Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Opinion Speech Pre-Speaking Block

Opinion Speech Pre-Speaking Block & Modified Thesis

For today's homework you need to write a GP, an SP and an AAS for you Opinion Speech. I also need you to brainstorm on a web/map 5 reasons that your opinion should be supported by others. And by others we mean that you should consider other students, teachers, school administrators, parents, community patrons and school board members.

For the first speech we taught you to write a thesis the following way:

Today I will insert general purpose (entertain, inform, persuade, convince, etc.) you that insert subject and opinion of subject by insert -ing word (examining, discussing, studying): (1) insert first main point; (2) insert second main point; (3) insert third main point; and (4) insert fourth main point.

For this speech you will need to write a revised thesis (without the "Today I will and GP")

The revised and less rigid thesis should look like this. This is closer to what a thesis should look like in your writing:

Start by stating your subject and your opinion of your subject--Thesis Base (short and to the point) as can be seen by insert -ing word (examining, discussing, studying): (1) insert first main point; (2) insert second main point; (3) insert third main point; and (4) insert fourth main point.